Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Daydreams come true too...

the only problem is, at least with me, that i fail to to track my daydreams and forget to feel happy when they get fulfilled. Funny but true. It isn't that I desperately await a daydream to become reality but it is a fact that i do enjoy imagining a moment and the happiness it brings me but fail to `live' it when it actually happens.
Well, my daydreams aren't about achievements or money. They are largely about inane stuff __ soaking the sun lying aimlessly on a lush green lawn (mainly because of being brought up in Dehra Dun), giving a piece of my mind to someone at work (which i rarely end up doing) and standing in the midst of a forest with a gurgling waterfall closeby (thanks to Nathaniel Hawthorne's David Swan which had a similar scene and which promptly found a place in my daydreams ever since I read the short story in school).
Strangely, I realised yesterday, that one of these inane moments i had daydreamt about actually came true but i wasn't clapping my hands in glee. In fact, I was at peace as the moment appeared mundane, almost like something that I took for granted, until i realised (much later in the day) that it was one of my many `daydreamt moments'.
Perhaps for a compulsive daydreamer like me it would be a tad difficult to keep track of all my imagined moments. But, given the amount of time I have spent since childhood staring blankly at my teachers, ceiling fans, text books and bosses during meetings, lost in my world of dreams I cannot let the whole `exercise' go waste.
I should at least stick a list of my daydreams on my desk and tick the fulfilled ones. Or check the list every morning for a fresh recall so that when the daydream gets fulfilled I at least remember to smile.

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